Performance Art: Theory and Applications

Course Code
ECTS Credits
5th Semester
Σειρά εμφάνισης
Course Category
Digital Arts

Bill Psarras

Course Description

The course aims to present contemporary perspectives of performance art during the 20th and 21st century; placing the body, public space and technology as central motifs; focusing on poetic, site-oriented and technological aspects of the performative gesture. Having selected artistic examples and theories, the course aims to analyse the main features/ingredients of performance art (body, time, repetition, space, objects, technologies, audience). It also explores the visual and sensory aspects of the performative gesture within public space through aesthetic and participatory walking practices; often documented through digital media and creative technologies. The course aims to develop aesthetics, art practice and understanding of performative gestures by focusing on the conception and creation of artworks during the course lab part.